Advanced automotive testing from Hatton Systems
Advanced automotive testing from Hatton Systems
How we make a difference
Hatton Systems Ltd have been providing bespoke automotive testing services for more than a decade, with experience extending back over 30 years.
We are based in the UK and have local, European and International clients that all value the high level of support and expertise that they receive from our team.
We have developed vehicle restraints which are now being recommended by other dynamometer manufacturers and we have a range of specialist tools which can enhance the vehicle testing process.
In addition, we offer calibration, repair and upgrade services for all chassis dynamometers, including those purchased from other manufacturers.
We work with you to give you the very best service every time.
We listen to what you need.
We design and build
specifically for you.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you contact us by
or call us on +44 (0) 1246 251 647